Thursday, September 30, 2010

Today’s weigh-in was the same as yesterday, so YAY!
Today’s review is about my experience at a local spa. Once a year they donate some of their proceeds to the Susan G. Komen Cancer fund(*). Massage Envy (nationwide spa) was really a delight to work with for this cause. The employees were just great and the massages and the facials were just perfect in the facility - which was immaculate. This gets five out of five of my granny apples.

Double Thumbs UP for making a difference  

* I called Massage Envy today to find out if they are still doing the donation to the Susan B. Komen Cancer Fund.  Unfortuantely, it is only done yearly (on September 14th) for one day.  Please mark your calendar for next year.

Make Today a Happy Day

Grannie B

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Las Vegas here I come.....

I woke up in Las Vegas….no weighing in today.
I have been to Vegas many, many times before.  Sometimes on business – pleasure and always for fun.  For instance, I was with “5000” other Red Hat Ladies for their annual convention.  It was a blast!
I can hardly believe the changes that have taken place here in such a short time.
The casino’s are crowded but not to the extent as before (I hate the way this is going to sound) but it’s not like we were dressed fancy, but the people as a whole were dressed so slovenly you saw a better nude show just walking around.  For heaven’s sake, take a little pride in how you appear.
After midnight, they were dragging little children from bar to bar.  Where 90% or more were so drunk they could hardly walk (it’s almost like child abuse!).  There also seemed to be many homeless people walking the streets. 
I love the excitement here.  The Criss Angel show was very entertaining for adults and older children, but not in my opinion for small children.  In some parts of the show I was scared and could not watch Criss, the part where he swallows razor blades) Oy Vey!!
The food was great at the Luxor… ate every bite!!  The gambling was “not to bad” came home with my clothes but not with my money (I only play for what I can afford!!).
All in all, Grannie gives the experience 4 Grannie Apples out of 5.
Make today a special day……
Grannie B

Monday, September 27, 2010

Hello From Grannie B - My First Blog

Since this is my first blog, you should get to know who I am.  My name is Barbara, I am the mother of 3 grown sons, one daughter-in-law and above all, the Grannie to Rachel (14 ½ ) and Noah who just turned 10. 
My husband was a pharmacist – auctioneer.  I went to college for early education.  Kindergarten was what I wanted to teach (I love young children and some older ones, also).  I didn’t finish college (terrible mistake) because along came son #1.  It was more important to be at home with him.  Years later I opened my own jewelry concession in a large department store.  I loved doing it.
I like to say that I live in Paradise…Boynton Beach, Florida.  In reality, it is.  My husband Ron passed away 12 years ago, shortly after we moved to Florida – from Newton Center, Mass.  I feel very fortunate to live here.  I have made some really wonderful friends – my community has everything you can think of to keep us 55 and older really happy – (cards – mah jong, tennis, movies, arts & crafts, etc.).  That leaves me a little time to travel, shop, etc.  The clubs are numerous – women’s club, Cancer Society, Hadassah, garden club, and many more.
More recently, I have become aware of how “us” seniors are being treated.  It started when I got up this morning at 4:00 a.m.  I’m really excited-- I am going to LA to see my son, Kenn. 
My excitement ended very shortly after I boarded the plane.  My trip started at 5:15 am from Fort Lauderdale.  My flight was on Delta #1169, departing at 7:40 am.  now just so you know, I like to travel with everything I need – and I mean EVERYTHING – so my luggage usually breaks the scale.  But the nice guy at the airport saw the tip tucked into my hand and said –never mind – we won’t need to weigh these.  That was the highlight of my flight! Needless to say, the flight was delayed!  Once I boarded the plane I was really disappointed with my “First Class accommodations” seat, 3B.  The attendant served us a beverage of our choice, juice and water for me.  A short time later it was breakfast time.  He offered us Bran Flakes with milk or the “it” omelet.  He told us he had no idea what the “it” in the omelet was because he didn’t get the roster.  It was really awful!!  The next inconvenience - I couldn’t find an outlet for electronic gadgets.  The attendant gave us headphones.  When I asked where we plug in the headphones, he said and I quote, “oops, this plane does not have any, thus no movies, music or news.”  Why would I ever want to fly Delta Airlines “First Class” again?   If this was priority service, what do they do to those folks who are flying in coach?  The only good part I got ---a great big hug from my son.  And that made the trip totally worthwhile.
Before I wrote my blog this morning, I called Delta Frequent Flyers number.  I told her about the above problems.  She asked me to hold – 3-5 minutes.  She came back on and told me to write to Customer Care.  This is another inconvenience. 

My rating is for Delta Airlines is:
Double Thumbs Down to Delta from Grannie B.

My rating for a hug from my son:
Absolute Thumbs UP from Grannie B.

Have a happy day.
Grannie B