Friday, October 29, 2010

Seniors Revolt!!


The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is trying to pass a bill HR4646 (*).  I am very sure that most of you have no idea what I am talking about.  There will be a new financial burden on all of us. The banking institutions will be charging all of us one percent on all financial transitions.  Deposits, withdrawals, ATM, stock market buys and sells.  If you deposit 1000 dollars it will cost you 10 dollars.  That same 1000 dollars you will be charged again for any checks written.  This is just another secret that our government is hiding from us.

Us seniors have not been given a raise in their Social Security checks for the last two years. This is just another way to make our lives a little more difficult!

This is another example of Obama care!!!!   Who is he caring for!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let’s bombard our city and state representatives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   They were elected to help us!!!!!!!!!!!

SAY NO TO BILL HR4646      HR4646          HR4646                

Thumbs down to the bill and thumbs up for the seniors!!!!

Happy Thoughts

Grannie B

As I wrote this, I understand this bill has been killed.  But you should still read about it in case it comes back.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Why are there bullies....who needs them!

Woke up today very, very early -- 4:45 am.  I took my friend Sandy, to the hospital for an Endoscopies, so no weigh in today.

What is happening to our young people today?!  Bullying is out of control!  If you are different for any reason your going to be bullied.

Being gay or a lesbian is not something to be ashamed of.  It's nothing you can catch.  The time has come for people to be kind to each other. It's the year 2010.

If you wear glasses you’re called four eyes!
If your overweight you’re fatso!
If your smart in school, get good grades, you’re considered a nerd!
So many, many names just to hurt each other.  All it takes for you to be an outcast is one person [a bully] to call you a name; it goes thru the school in no time.  Don't let someone talk to your friends like that!

                        BE A FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never in my life did I expect to hear or read about these children that are being pushed to the breaking point. Suicides are taking the lives of so many children.  Shootings in schools where innocent children die.  A boy here in Florida poured a form of gasoline over a young school mate of his just to see what would happen The boy has been in the hospital for over a year.  The other boy will spend time in jail. What a waste!  A few months later a boy attacked a girl because of something she wrote on Facebook.  She was in a coma for a very long time.  What is wrong with this generation??????????????

Make your home a place where your children can come to talk to you about anything. They need an outlet to speak to you about what is going on around them.

Big, double thumbs down to bullying

More love today.

Grannie B

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Cancer Awareness - Let's continue to support this cause after the month is done!

I woke up with the phone ringing – I completely forgot that the A.C. man was coming at 7:30 a.m.  Boy oh Boy, did I run my little fanny off!!

By the way, today’s weigh-in is up but let’s just say in ounces and not pounds.

This month has celebrated 25 years of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Cancer strikes everybody, old, young, thin, heavy, white or black, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, etc.  It ravishes its unfortunate victims.  No matter where you live. 

There are so many wonderful groups of people (from all walks of life) who donate their time.  These people not only give financially, they walk for cancer, do car washes, carnivals, telethons, fundraisers and write books (all or most of the proceeds are given away).  Susan G. Komen Foundation does so much, in addition to the other thousands of people and foundations that contribute yearly.

My mom had breast cancer (as well as colon cancer).  She passed away 12 years ago.  As a family, we are very aware of the heartache, depression and pain that go along when the horrible “C” word comes into a home.

Please if you or anyone you know has anything and I mean anything, see your Doctor Now Don’t Wait!!

Have a great day and smile a lot.

Grannie B

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How bad is the economy...really????

Woke up today early.  I was elected to stand in line to pick up tickets for a Cancer show at our clubhouse.  Oh W.W. – I gained .2 tenths of a pound.  It could have been worse.

I’ve been watching lots of TV the last few weeks.  The Stock Market Channel, Meet the Press, The President, Glenn Beck, etc.  They keep telling us how the economy is doing so well.  I don’t know what they’re talking about.  It certainly isn’t here in Florida.
Everywhere you turn there are empty stores, closed restaurants.  The malls could be used for bowling alleys – there are no people in the aisles.
The landlords would rather have the stores closed then lower the rent.  It doesn’t make any sense to me (what do I know?).
The economy is so bad that many of the Temples and Churches have people coming to ask if they could please reduce their commitments.  These are the same people who were large donors.  It’s very sad!
At least five people this week alone have told me about their children having lost their jobs.
One woman’s son worked for the same company for 34 years (he started with the company right out of school).  They gave his job to a man that can hardly speak English.
Another mother asked me please write about my son.  Her son (has a wife and 2 children) was let go without severance pay (Florida is a fire at will state).  The store’s policy maker came into the store and said today is your last day (fired like a common criminal) and you can leave now.  The young man asked that his final paycheck be sent to him at home (he didn’t want to go back to the store).  He was told the check had to be sent to the store.  Ten days later, he did not receive his check.  He was told it must have been misplaced.  Again, he was told the new check would be sent to the store.  To add fuel to the fire, he was let go 2 days before he would receive an increase in his 401K.
It really makes it hard to be a loyal worker!

Thumbs down for the economy and all those out of work

Smile at a stranger today.  Have a great day.

Grannie B

Monday, October 25, 2010

Friday Television

Migraine day - Oy.  No Weight Watchers.  No weigh in

Friday is a terrible night for television. I decided to channel surf and then surf some more. I finally came across a show called BLUE BLOOD. It is about a police family. It stars Tom Selleck as the police commissioner.  His dad is retired from the force. One of the sons was killed in the line of duty.  Another son played by Donnie Wahlberg, is a detective with a lot of anger.  The daughter is an assistant district attorney with a young daughter of her own.  The youngest son graduated from law school but decided to enter the police department as a rookie. They may not always agree with each other, but no matter what happens they are always there for each other.

The show seemed very familiar to me.  There was a television show with Charles Bronson many years ago with the same feeling.  It’s a shoot ‘em up show with family values.  Good but not great.

Try and have a wonderful day
Grannie B

Friday, October 22, 2010

Woke up today early.  I was elected to stand in line to pick up tickets for a Cancer show at our clubhouse.  Oh W.W. – I gained .2 tenths of a pound.  It could have been worse.

I’ve been watching lots of TV the last few weeks.  The Stock Market Channel, Meet the Press, The President, Glenn Beck, etc.  They keep telling us how the economy is doing so well.  I don’t know what they’re talking about.  It certainly isn’t here in Florida.
Everywhere you turn there are empty stores, closed restaurants.  The malls could be used for bowling alleys – there are no people in the aisles.
The landlords would rather have the stores closed then lower the rent.  It doesn’t make any sense to me (what do I know?).
The economy is so bad that many of the Temples and Churches have people coming to ask if they could please reduce their commitments.  These are the same people who were large donors.  It’s very sad!
At least five people this week alone have told me about their children having lost their jobs.
One woman’s son worked for the same company for 34 years (he started with the company right out of school).  They gave his job to a man that can hardly speak English.
Another mother asked me please write about my son.  Her son (has a wife and 2 children) was let go without severance pay (Florida is a fire at will state).  The store’s policy maker came into the store and said today is your last day (fired like a common criminal) and you can leave now.  The young man asked that his final paycheck be sent to him at home (he didn’t want to go back to the store).  He was told the check had to be sent to the store.  Ten days later, he did not receive his check.  He was told it must have been misplaced.  Again, he was told the new check would be sent to the store.  To add fuel to the fire, he was let go 2 days before he would receive an increase in his 401K.
It really makes it hard to be a loyal worker!

Thumbs down for the economy and all those out of work

Smile at a stranger today.  Have a great day.

Grannie B

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

TV Update

Woke up late today – 9:00 am.  Forgot my nail appointment  (I think I’m jet lagged from California).  Fear not, I made a new one!  I received a star at Weight Watchers for losing 5 lbs.  HOORAY!  Now I need to keep it off.

I have tried very hard to enjoy “The Event.”  While watching the pilot, I was completely confused.  There were so many flashbacks that if you took your eyes off the T.V. screen for one minute, you missed another flashback.
It’s a problem on Monday nights.  “Castle” “Hawaii 5-0” and “Chase” are all on at the same time.  I really enjoy “Castle.”  The cast is so perfect together.  Castle’s daughter Alexis is so real the way she twists her dad around her finger.

Thumbs up for my 5 lbs

Have a wonderful day and don’t let things bother you today.

Grannie B

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The price of kids clothes.....

Good morning. I feel good today, that extra pound from yesterday is long gone.
It’s back to school time in South Florida and I am having a very difficult time finding clothing for my two grandchildren, who are 14 ½ and 10. I want them to be the coolest kids in school and be able to say what an amazing grandma they had to buy them their as they say “shnazy clothes.” Each brand has its own sizing making it hard to find them clothes. The most important complaint is the prices!! How is an average family going to afford to clothe their kids? Unfortunately, clothing is a status symbol at schools and with no uniform it is hard for students these days to fit in. How do you feel about this problem?
Thumbs down for the price of everything now-a-days

Thumbs up for spending time with my Grandkids

                Make today a happy day….Grannie B

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Kardashian's ---A Crude Bunch

My weigh in today wasn’t good or bad, but I’m happy with myself. 

Kardashian’s - Boo Boo.

I’m so fed up with the entire Kardashian family.  It’s hard for me as a mother and grannie to understand why anyone would watch such disgusting behavior.  The daughters have no respect for each.  One is cruder than the next.  As for Kris (the mother of this unruly clan) is instigates all this nonsense.
Is this the image we want for our young adults?  I certainly don’t want my grandchildren to dress and act as they do.

2 Thumbs down for the entire group

Smile and someone will smile back

Grannie B

Thursday, October 14, 2010


That extra bit of bread and butter didn’t help with my scale this morning.  I’m up 2 lbs and boy am I going to have to work on it today.

As a young girl my family moved from Dorchester, Mass to Newton, Mass (the school system in Newton was #1 in the country).
I was a little (maybe a lot) nervous going to a new school and taking a bus.  I walked to the corner and was really happy to see a group of girls my age (waiting for the bus, too).  I was in the 7th grade.  I said hello and told them my name and where I lived.  The spokesperson of this group pushed the other girls out of the way.  Now, came the questions.  She asked if my family was rich (how did I know?) we never talked about money at home.  Next question was about what did my dad do for a living.  When I said he owned a meat market and he was a butcher, she had enough information about me.  With contempt, she asked if I had ever heard of her uncle, Eddy Duchin.  When I said I never did – she was aghast!  After school I could hardly wait to get home and ask my folks if they knew him.  It turns out he was a famous bandleader in New York.
From then on there was very little if any conversation with her.  The other girls became my friends.
Was this the beginning of bullying?  Can you imagine how much this bothered me?  It was so many, many years ago.

Double Thumbs Down to Bullying

Double Thumbs Up for being bigger than those words and attitude

Be Happy Today

Grannie B

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Politicians or Convicted Felons. Is there a difference?

Pants feel tight and I know I should weigh in, but not feeling the love.  Darn scale.
Does it seem responsible to you for us to elect politicians who are convicted felons? At our polling booths four of the five people running for office have records for embezzlement. In my humble opinion I feel that this is wrong, very wrong   We need new blood whether it is from the Republican or Democratic Party. It isn’t about the parties; however it is about basic honesty and trust in our elected officials.  How can these people be trusted with our money?!!!

Thumbs Up for honesty

Thumbs Down for shady politicians

Happy Day,

Grannie B

Monday, October 11, 2010

Should I clean out my closets????

My scale and I are having a moment….if I lean to the right or left, I get different readings.  I like the left-lean today.

Have you ever looked in your closet and found more clothes that don’t fit than do fit. I did just that the other day, so off to Weight Watchers I went. When I weighed in, I was overwhelmed by the numbers. They gave me a goal weight that I haven’t weighed since I was 35 (wink, wink, it wasn’t that long ago or at least that’s what I hoped). No way could I lose so much weight. After bringing a doctors letter we finally came up with a weight that my Weight Watcher’s leader and I agreed on. If you want to be a good friend take a couple of chubby’s to a meeting, it really appears to work. Tell me your secrets to success in the dieting world.

Thumbs up for Weight Watchers

Make today a Wonderful DAY…

Grannie B

Friday, October 8, 2010

More Television Reviews

I guess my weigh-in today was on the lighter side due to the visit to the doctor’s office yesterday.
Continuing from yesterday’s television reviews……

Glee – is a show about the Glee Club at McKinley High School.  The show unfolds around the students.  Drama, music, dancing and comedy.  I loved watching the students sing and dance.  My entire family can’t wait for Tuesday when it airs.  They all like the show for different reasons.  We make a family night around the show.
5 Thumbs UP

Castle – was a favorite from last year.  I really like the cast of characters.  The mother played by Susan Sullivan, daughter Alexis (played by Molly Quinn) and Castle (Nathan Fillion) and the police detective played by Ruben Santiago-Hudson.  Castle is the author of mystery novels.  He joins the cast of police detectives along with Kate Beckett.  Castle and Kate are smitten with each other.  As soon as they seem to move on in their relationship, the story ends.  It’s a drama with a little fun.
3 ½ Grannies     

Make today special….
Grannie B

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Television Reviews

Got up at 7:00 am this morning…..No weigh in today.  I have an early Dr. appt.

Hurray, yippee and all that stuff.  There will not be any more re-runs.  The new television season has finally stated, with a great deal of hype.
Hawaii Five O - the original series was one of my very favorite programs to watch with my family.  Jack Lord who played the part of McGarrett was the ultimate head of the Five O.  In the new series Scott Caan plays a detective names “Danno.”  McGarrett and Danno are like partners rather police chief and detective.  If you have never seen the old show, you will very likely enjoy this shoot ‘em up.  Lots of action.  I can’t pass judgment until I see another episode.
Maybe thumbs up, maybe thumbs down

Broadwalk Empire  - First off, I liked the scenery.  The boardwalk itself was really a work of art.  The costumers did a fabulous job with all the clothes and sets. The casting was very well done.  I like them all.  The show is interesting (since I’m to young to have seen this for myself) I’ve heard about the bootlegging, murders, drugs and so forth.  The show is great on details.  Certainly not for young children!!
Thumbs up

Lone Star (*) – shows the awful side of con artists.  He robs, cheats and lies.  He will do any say anything to get money from unsuspecting business people including his father-in-law.  Bigotry is also part of the show.  I don’t know how much lower he can go (he’s rock bottom now).  I do like the actor who plays the lead, James Wolk. 
(*) As I wrote this review, the show was cancelled after two shows.  My review was one Grannie apple.

More television reviews tomorrow…

Have a Great day

Grannie B

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Watch out for the Red Hat's

Weigh-in was good today……my scale and I are like “this”
Did you ever see a group of ladies wearing Red Hat and purple clothing? The Red Hat Society is a group for women over 50 years old who want to have fun. The name of the group of Red Hats that I belong to is called “High Maintenance.” We certainly have fun doing many activities, such as going to the theater, playing cards, bingo parties, dance lessons, laughing at the comedy club, and wine making. Join a group near you because this entertaining club, which will make you feel young again, is all around the world. You are never too old to make new friends and with the Red Hat Society we believe that friendship is the key to our success and yours.
Thumbs up for the Red Hat Society

Make today a great day….

Grannie B

Monday, October 4, 2010

Pick up the

I was lucky with my weigh-in today….I ate a big dinner last night (my dinner party) and didn’t seem to gain anything.

I notice as we get older there seem to be more rifts with our grown children. So many single and elderly people never hear from their sons, daughters, and grandchildren for months at a time. It’s way past time to return some of the love that was given to them. Life is short make today a happy day for them and you just might get that back.

Thumbs up for picking up the telephone - TODAY
Thumbs down for not

May you have a great day….

Grannie B

Friday, October 1, 2010

Checking out at the Check out line - How dare she??????

Got up at normal time – 7 am.  Weighed in – up half pound BAD Day.  Now I’m mad at myself for eating that absolutely wonderful cheesecake, it went right to my hips.

So off to my favorite food store.  I went to replace all the fruits and veggies and to shop for a dinner party with friends at night.  My shopping cart was getting fuller by the minute.  As I was walking up and down the aisles, thinking what I was going to prepare and didn’t I have everything I needed.  Finally, had enough, it was time to get into a very long check-out line.  I’ve been in line for at least 20 minutes when an elderly women came over to me and asked if she could go ahead of me in line because she only had a couple of items.  Of course, I said sure go ahead of me.  When this lady waved to her husband who was pushing a cart with more stuff in it than I had.  She lied about it to me.  When her husband came closer to me, I politely told her no, she could not go ahead.  If she had told me the truth no matter how many things she was purchasing, it would have been ok (lying does not sit well with me).  None of the other people in this ever-growing line would allow her to go ahead of them.

Thumbs DOWN for the lady

Thumbs UP for my dinner party   

Have a marvelous day….

Grannie B