Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How bad is the economy...really????

Woke up today early.  I was elected to stand in line to pick up tickets for a Cancer show at our clubhouse.  Oh W.W. – I gained .2 tenths of a pound.  It could have been worse.

I’ve been watching lots of TV the last few weeks.  The Stock Market Channel, Meet the Press, The President, Glenn Beck, etc.  They keep telling us how the economy is doing so well.  I don’t know what they’re talking about.  It certainly isn’t here in Florida.
Everywhere you turn there are empty stores, closed restaurants.  The malls could be used for bowling alleys – there are no people in the aisles.
The landlords would rather have the stores closed then lower the rent.  It doesn’t make any sense to me (what do I know?).
The economy is so bad that many of the Temples and Churches have people coming to ask if they could please reduce their commitments.  These are the same people who were large donors.  It’s very sad!
At least five people this week alone have told me about their children having lost their jobs.
One woman’s son worked for the same company for 34 years (he started with the company right out of school).  They gave his job to a man that can hardly speak English.
Another mother asked me please write about my son.  Her son (has a wife and 2 children) was let go without severance pay (Florida is a fire at will state).  The store’s policy maker came into the store and said today is your last day (fired like a common criminal) and you can leave now.  The young man asked that his final paycheck be sent to him at home (he didn’t want to go back to the store).  He was told the check had to be sent to the store.  Ten days later, he did not receive his check.  He was told it must have been misplaced.  Again, he was told the new check would be sent to the store.  To add fuel to the fire, he was let go 2 days before he would receive an increase in his 401K.
It really makes it hard to be a loyal worker!

Thumbs down for the economy and all those out of work

Smile at a stranger today.  Have a great day.

Grannie B

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