Friday, November 5, 2010

The iPad is AMAZING

Today I got up about 7 am.  The sun was just coming up - - it was a beautiful sight.

Weigh-in fit the day…good news – 1 pound down 

Recently, I received a gift of an ipad.   Everyone wanted to know what in the world I was going to do with it.  Guess what --  I'm having a great time!  I take it with me almost everywhere.  It helps me pass time while I wait in the doctor office, going on a plane, picking up the kids at school, waiting for my turn at canasta and best of all I take it to bed with me (I’ve been alone a long time ha ha).
I played a game on it with my son Jeff and my grandkids. The game is THE TREASURES OF MONTEZUMA. The family that plays on an iPAD together stays together!!!!

Two Thumbs Up for ipad


Grannie B

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