Tuesday, March 22, 2011


It was a rather annoying week.  Let's start from the beginning. I planned a little get away with my sister to the Bahamas for the weekend. She arrived in Florida all excited for our trip. I forgot to remind her that with all the new security she needed to bring her passport. When we were talking with friends someone mentioned the word passport (the light went on in both of our heads at the same time!).  She left her passport in Boston! In a panic, I called the cruise line and was very politely told under no circumstances could she board their ship. Then we called a friend of hers and gave her instructions where to find the passport and how to have it sent by overnight mail by UPS.  Great!!!!!!!!!!!! The passport would arrive here by 8:30 a.m. in time for the limo to take us to the port.  8:30 came and went so did 9:00 a.m.  In a semi panic, we called Staples (they are the pick up point for UPS).  They informed us that the package was never picked up at their store in Boston (I forgot to mention that my sister paid $69.98 for this overnight delivery).  We have called both companies so many times we know the numbers by heart.  Each one says it’s the other one’s fault.  Finally UPS said they would send us a claims form in about four to eight weeks. Needless to say, we were very disappointed.   So to make us feel better, we went to the Hard Rock casino for the day…(we both came out winners!!!!!!!!!!!!).

Make this a very happy day

Thumbs up for Hard Rock

Thumbs down for forgetting the passport

Grannie B

Friday, March 18, 2011

Bullying - Parents Pay Attention

OK this whole bullying thing is getting out of hand. This happened in Boca Raton recently when the grammar school bell rang and all the children were excited to go home …some by bus, some walked and some biked. There were many parents at the crosswalks (many are too busy talking to their friends and not paying attention to the children).  Three boys about ten years old crossed with the light to the other side of the street. One of these little angels proceeded to knock a boy off his bike to the ground.  Next, the second boy kicked the boy on the ground in the stomach. Then they all started to hit him. The child who pushed the boy off the bike had his mother standing less than 10 feet away. As it happens, the bullied boy’s father was driving by and saw the whole thing. Of course, he went over to take care of his son (who was a little bruised).  By now the mother and her child went home. The father was so enraged he went to their home.  When the woman opened the door the father asked her why she did not reprimand her son. With a straight face she said she was not aware of anything he was saying. She, in a rather rude way, said her son would never do what the father said. Now we wonder why children are bullies.  Children are allowed to do anything that they want with no discipline whatsoever. The father made an appointment with the school principal.
Thumbs up for the father

Thumbs down for the mother and child

Smile a lot today


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Elderly Abuse

It’s time to discuss the abuse of the elderly.

Last week, veteran actor Mickey Rooney addressed Congress and the Senate telling them the very sad story of how his stepson took control of his life. Rooney described how he felt….the shame, fear and abuse. Elderly people who are isolated from their families and social networks who are physically abused, meds withheld, and all their money stolen. Mickey said his stepson made sure that he could not make even the basic decisions on his life. He suffered for years in silence. He felt trapped, scared, useless and helpless.

Senator Herb Kohl, chairman of the Committee on Aging, is calling for an Office of Elder Justice within the Department of Justice. 

If you know or think you know anyone who is being abused (child or adults) please call the police or contact your local Senator.

Seniors DON'T allow anyone to hurt you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thumbs down for elderly abuse 
Extra thumbs down for Mickey Rooney’s stepson [BOO BOO]

Thumbs up for Senator Kohl 

Have a really fun day!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grannie B

Friday, March 11, 2011

Charlie Sheen - Who does he think he is??????

I think I owe the Kardashian ladies an apology for saying that they were the most disgusting family. Now along comes Charlie Sheen!!!!!!!!!!! Who does he think he is? In my humble opinion, he is the scum of the earth. The fact that he was a good actor years ago doesn’t give him the right to say anything he wants.  He is a disgrace to his family and the television industry. Sheen was very lucky to have been given the role in “Two and A Half Men.”  What did he do that any other actor couldn't do? His salary was two MILLION dollars an episode. Sheen's salary could feed all the hungry children in the USA. Warner Brothers finally, after so many weeks of being berated by this sick, vile-mouth person, fired him!!!  It didn’t take one day before Sirius Radio gave him his own show. Now, he is selling tee shirts, comic books and hats to all his followers (sick).  I have no interest in what happens to this mentally disturbed person.  The Sheen children are being treated likes pawns. Where does this kind of behavior end?  And when?

Enjoy your day and smile

Grannie B.