Tuesday, March 22, 2011


It was a rather annoying week.  Let's start from the beginning. I planned a little get away with my sister to the Bahamas for the weekend. She arrived in Florida all excited for our trip. I forgot to remind her that with all the new security she needed to bring her passport. When we were talking with friends someone mentioned the word passport (the light went on in both of our heads at the same time!).  She left her passport in Boston! In a panic, I called the cruise line and was very politely told under no circumstances could she board their ship. Then we called a friend of hers and gave her instructions where to find the passport and how to have it sent by overnight mail by UPS.  Great!!!!!!!!!!!! The passport would arrive here by 8:30 a.m. in time for the limo to take us to the port.  8:30 came and went so did 9:00 a.m.  In a semi panic, we called Staples (they are the pick up point for UPS).  They informed us that the package was never picked up at their store in Boston (I forgot to mention that my sister paid $69.98 for this overnight delivery).  We have called both companies so many times we know the numbers by heart.  Each one says it’s the other one’s fault.  Finally UPS said they would send us a claims form in about four to eight weeks. Needless to say, we were very disappointed.   So to make us feel better, we went to the Hard Rock casino for the day…(we both came out winners!!!!!!!!!!!!).

Make this a very happy day

Thumbs up for Hard Rock

Thumbs down for forgetting the passport

Grannie B

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